Almost Too Good To Be True

With all the new USCG training requirements being implemented recently, it is difficult to pay for all them especially in a drastic downturn in the offshore industry. So, the MAPS award is timely and very helpful. I have 2 classes to take this year and I was trying to calculate which one to take first. Now I can take them both with the help of MAPS. I think it was a very good idea to help us pay for the required trainings. I’m very surprised that your firm is doing this, because it really means a lot to us. I have several friends that have won an award this year. The process was very easy, almost too good to be true.

Todd L.
Able Seaman, Florida

An Awesome Award

I am very thankful for you’re your firm and the great people I have talked to there were very helpful and generous. I think it is an awesome award, I think sometimes people out side our industry think we make tons of money being in this industry when that is not really the case. People don’t really take into consideration of the taxes we pay the insurance cost, so in my opinion I think it is great that someone recognizes that this industry has been taken a big hit  and cares enough to step up to help people they don’t even know in this tough time. This award means a lot due to this past year had been somewhat of a struggle with the offshore business being slow and work being hit and miss it has been tough.

Joseph M.
Engineer, Mississippi

Words Cannot Describe How Appreciative I am

Words cannot describe how appreciative I am to be one of the MAPS award winning recipients. I am very grateful and appreciative to The Young Firm and all involved in making this grant award possible. This aid and assistance could not have come at a more needy time. I am ecstatic and happy that The Young Firm, Tim, Paige and all others invoice came up with this important grant to ensure eligible needy recipients may have the opportunity to receive access to training.

Robert B.
EHS Supervisor, Texas

Thanks For the Good Start

I grew up on the river and didn’t know anything about sailing. When my teenage years weren’t kind, sailing was my escape. This award is a good start that will allow me to stay current on the changes to my license. 

Kyle C.
First Mate, Illinois

This Award Allows Me to Keep Moving Forward

The biggest challenge I face on a day to day basis is stay strong and striving to be positive. To keep pushing myself to be great is a challenge but I know my daughter wouldn’t want me to quit and give up so I’m doing this for her. Winning the MAPS award will allow me to keep moving forward. Hopefully she is watching me and I hope I’m making her proud of me. Thank you so much for everything, I really really appreciate it.

Justin G.
Engineer, Louisiana

This Award Has Impacted Me Significantly

This award has impacted me significantly as it will increase my chances of employment upon graduation from the maritime academy. I have to compete with hundreds of other mariners both at academies and in the industry itself, so having a dynamic positioning advanced course under my belt will put me in the top tier of applicants.

Erick T.
USCG E-5, Texas

The First Bit of Positive Movement in My Life

The MAPS award to me means that I get some relief in my life. I get to take a class and don’t have to worry about coming up with the money. The impact that it has made. Its been the first bit of positive movement in my life. I’ve been treading water for some time hoping for a break. This has given me a little pat on the back to keep me moving forward.

Marcus V.
Deckhand, Alabama

This Award Gave me a Feeling I Can’t Explain

First I would like to thank everyone for considering me for this amazing award. The MAPS Award has changed my life. This award means so much to me and my family. This program shows that mariners are not alone, and that we have wonderful people like The Young Firm that care about us. The Young Firm changed our lives with these awards cause us mariners go through a lot being away from our families a lot. And once we receive one of your awards it make me feel so uplifted. Great feeling. The Young Firm really came up with an amazing program. I have been on the water for years and this is the best program I have ever been part of. I really have good impression for The Young Firm – this award makes me never wanna give up on things, and I never will give up. The Young Firm really let us mariners know all the hard work we put in, and I thank you for that.

Lloyd S.
Senior Mate, Louisiana

Understands the Plight of Mariners

It really means a great deal to me receiving this award. Maritime training schools are expensive and time-consuming. By receiving financial aid, it makes the process of upgrading or renewing licenses a little less burdensome on mariners and their families. I think that The Young Firm understands the plight of mariners and wants to be of assistance to us and our families. I am very appreciate of your firm for their caring and generosity.

Patrick M.
Captain, Louisiana

An Incredible Assistance

Receiving the MAPS award is an incredible assistance in increasing the scope of my license and pursuit of more experience as a mariner.  Operating on a limited-license can be challenging at times and financially straining to pursue further endorsements and the support of The Young Firm and MAPS award will greatly assist me in furthering my career and education as a mariner. I think the fact that The Young Firm offers the MAPS Award demonstrates a dedication to the Maritime Industry and individual seaman that is unparalleled by any other legal firm or advocacy group. There is very little financial aid available that is not employer-driven and the individual mariner in pursuit of credential upgrades is often-times challenged by the financial strain of required courses and endorsements.


Mackenzie H.
Marine Technician, RVIB NAthaniel B. Palmer

Tantamount to Winning a Lottery

Every Mariner who aspires to get ahead and advance both professionally and financially understands the importance of training facilities. Cost is of utmost priority. So receiving financial help is tantamount to winning a lottery. Winning this MAPS award means to me an opportunity to upgrade. Thank you, The Young Firm, for having this program and for the opportunity to better myself and my family.

James M.
Captain, Louisiana

Embrace Schooling with Peace of Mind

The MAPS award means that moving up in my career will be less of a financial burden. It relieves the stress of trying to provide for my family and pay for school, while being out of work without pay for weeks. This award has given me the opportunity to embrace my schooling with peace of mind. I think The Young Firm and the fact that they offer such an award is amazing. It shows a lot of passion for the industry to help us excel in our career! Thanks for this opportunity! It is greatly appreciated!

Bruce C.
Deckhand, Louisiana

This Award is a Life Saver

My spouse and I found ourselves with child in ’98. I forfeited my career to be present with my family. I did just so. The boys are old enough to understand my being gone now. So, now is the time to get back on the water, where I am most at home, and provide for my family. Thank you so much. This award is a life saver.

Andy W.
Captain, Mississippi

Thank You to MAPS and The Young Firm

The best thing about this process has been the coordinator, Ms. Bethany, who made the process enjoyable. The oil industry, and State of Louisiana, and the bigger picture all gain when you turn resources back into the manpower that enables it, thus creating safer standards. Ms. Bethany Jones [now Mrs. Bethany Petrie] emulates this concept with encouragement and I cannot imagine a better person in her role. Thank you to MAPS and the Young Law Firm. It has allowed me to gain another endorsement on my license that I really needed! I am grateful! I know who to contact if I ever need a maritime lawyer.

Mathew J.
Captain, Cut Off, LA

Providing a Better Life for Family

The MAPS award means a lot to me. It will allow me to increase my knowledge base and become a better Mariner and a more valuable asset to my fellow Mariners. I’m surprised to see a business offering free training but am pleased to see that there are people out there willing to help create a better work environment for others. Thank you for the opportunity to better myself and provide a better life for my family. I really appreciate the award and plan to put it to good use soon.

Jeffery O.

Riverboat Captain Catches a Break

I got side tracked after Hurricane Katrina but now I want to get back and be a real seaman again. The biggest challenge now is the fact that this job is getting ready to end because of reduced maning on these vessels. Just trying to get back in offshore and learning DP will be a big challenge. Thanks so much for this award; [it’s] really helping out at a bad time.

David V.
Captain, Casino Riverboat

I’m Grateful…

The MAPS Award was exciting to apply for. It’s a huge challenge to afford training classes and this is a great encouragement to keep climbing the hawse pipe. It’s also great to see that the possibilities for my career in sailing are wide open. I was really surprised to see something like this offered. It shows that your firm is tuned into what mariners need to keep up in the U.S. commercial maritime industry. I’m grateful for the opportunity to use this award. You guys are great. I was so glad to see this award is valid for one year. My schedule is constantly changing so this means I can sign up for a class when it makes the most sense for my schedule.

Sarah H.
Captain, 105' sailboat, Chesapeake bay

Deckhand Wins $1000

Thank you. I’m honored to be selected, [this] was truly unexpected.Offering this reward is truly a blessing. Most of us deckhands struggle from paycheck to paycheck, be it money for family, everyday bills, or trying to get the money to better ourselves through school. I spent many long weeks on the boat working to get where I am today. I plan on continuing my education after this by getting my business degree via online due to being on the boat. Knowledge is power my friends. Thank you and again I’m truly honored to be selected, and good luck to all my fellow Mariners..

Steven G.
Deckhand, Louisiana